X-Rite ColorChecker Video


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Key Features
  • Combination Color Chip Chart & Grayscale
  • 60% White Balance Card
  • For Production & Post-Production
  • Sized for Studio and Location Work

The X-Rite ColorChecker Video is a two-sided color calibration tool that allows you achieve more consistent results, quicker, and with more ease. Although designed for the professional, non-professionals can also benefit from using this tool. The ColorChecker can be used during production to set camera white balance among different cameras or varying lighting environments. Recording the chart can speed up balancing the color of multiple shots in post, leaving you more time to work on creative choices.

The included color calibration chart contains an updated design philosophy from the standard charts that were developed for print and still photo work. The grayscale provides white, black, dark gray, and 40 IRE exposure patches, allowing you to adjust your lighting to protect highlights from clipping, while maintaining detail in the shadow areas. The color chips on the side of the grayscale contain columns of targets, which display vertically on a waveform monitor, for improved readability. The white target is a 60% target, providing an even brightness that makes setting white balance consistent across different lighting conditions. The chart is large enough to fill your frame in close-ups or be visible in a wide shots.

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